Under the (working) title „Culture & Young People – What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Factors, Challenges and Opportunities of Cultural Participation for Youth” the Connected Audience Conference 2025 will address the topic of cultural participation and engagement for young people.
Active encounters with cultural activities, artistic and creative content are important components of healthy adolescent development, supporting young people’s personalities and opportunities for a self-determined lifestyle. But what do we know about how to facilitate these encounters? What are the challenges and opportunities? Finding answers requires an understanding of young people’s cultural practices and orientations, building on these and shaping processes together.
To explore and discuss this topic the IKTf in collaboration with the Institute for Learning Innovation (USA) will bring together young people, experts, researchers, and practitioners from the global cultural sector for debate and exchange.
Conference Design
The international biennial conference will provide inspiring discussions and productive interactions between its various participants and facilitators. There will be a minimum of “talking heads” and a maximum of interaction and participation. We seek to create a facilitating and stimulating atmosphere with a strong dialogical approach. We invite you to gain relevant experiences and insights both for your research and professional practice. Taking on more of a workshop feeling you will learn from experts and your colleagues from around the world.
+++ More information and the call for proposals coming soon +++