We stand for independent, interdisciplinary and collaborative research in the field of cultural participation.
That means:
- our research work is independent of our sponsors, of the business community, policy circles and interest groups.
- we operate internationally on a networking basis and adopt an interdisciplinary approach.
- we include stakeholders with real-life experience in our research work.
We achieve this
- by collaborating with the best research partners from the relevant scientific disciplines, depending on the issue.
- from brainstorming to implementation and the derivation of practical recommendations for action.
- by fully financing our regular research activities with public funds from the state of Berlin.
We provide innovative ideas for concept- and data-based work in the cultural sector.
That means:
- we study which conditions currently favour or prevent cultural participation or will do so in the future.
- we help cultural institutions, policy circles and administrations to improve competencies for concept- and data-based work in order to position themselves for the future.
We achieve this
- by identifying important issues, concepts and projects in the field of cultural participation and introducing them into the field of research and culture
- by continuously providing research data on current aspects of cultural participation for cultural institutions, policy circles and administrations.
- by using current research methods and instruments for orientation in our work and contributing to their improvement.
- by focusing our research on (potential) visitors to cultural offerings, cultural institutions in terms of the organisation, staff and program, cultural policy circles and administrations, as well as overarching structural conditions. Individually and in cooperation with each other.
- by offering our addressees concrete assistance, for example practical publications and further training.
We contribute to making research on cultural participation more diversity-sensitive.
That means:
- our research work includes a focus on issues related to diversity and discrimination in many areas related to cultural participation.
- we advocate for a diversity-sensitive scientific culture and non-discriminatory language.
We achieve this
- by ensuring that our work includes issues and perspectives on diversity that are still underrepresented in research.
- by shedding light on specific phenomena, causes and consequences of exclusion mechanisms in the context of cultural participation within the framework of our research.
- by collaboratively incorporating the perspectives of marginalised populations into our research.
- by identifying discriminatory terms, categories and conventions in empirical social research, critically questioning them and contributing to the dismantling of stereotypes that have been reproduced up to now.
We play an active role in shaping social and cultural-policy discourse.
That means:
- we are a place that does research, transfers knowledge and shares what we learn.
- we bring together research, cultural institutions, policy circles and administrations as well as civil society to discuss and create conditions for success in achieving extensive and wide-spread cultural participation.
- for us, research, theory and practice form a cycle that is essential for practical and scientific improvement in the field of cultural participation.
We achieve this
- by always positioning ourselves as a link between theory and practice.
- by organising regular formats for exchange between research, cultural institutions, policy circles, administrations and civil society.
- by enthusiastically participating in national and international networking events – as guests or with our own contributions to research.
- by communicating our research results in an addressee-oriented manner to the farthest reaches of society.