Institute for Research on Cultural Participation
[Institut für Kulturelle Teilhabeforschung | IKTf]
The IKTf studies the conditions that promote or hinder cultural participation. As an independent research institute, the IKTf provides cultural institutions, cultural policy circles and administrations with comprehensive fundamental knowledge for the data-based development of their participation strategies.
Cultural participation here refers to a broad understanding of culture and focuses not only on publicly funded cultural offerings and so-called high culture, but also on cultural leisure offerings. The IKTf addresses not only passive participation and the question of who attends these offerings. The Institute also studies the extent to which active participation in cultural life takes place, for example by (co-)producing or (co-)shaping cultural content.
The IKTf conducts studies on visitors and non-visitors to cultural offerings, such as continuous population surveys. It is also responsible for the scientific quality assurance of the Berlin-based visitor research system KulMon (KulturMonitoring).
Furthermore, the Institute examines the conditions for the success of cultural participation. This is done, for example, through accompanying research on model projects of cultural offerings that specifically target larger and broader cultural participation. The organisation/staff, programme and audience are studied, as are the working conditions of cultural producers in general. These conditions for success are decisively influenced by the funding measures of cultural administrations and policy circles. They represent another field of research for the IKTf.
The IKTf was founded in 2020 under the umbrella of the state-owned Foundation for Cultural Continuing Education and Cultural Consulting [Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung]. The foundation is the joint umbrella organization for three initiatives that advocate for more equal opportunities in Berlin’s cultural landscape and actively shape the social and cultural policy discourse on this topic. It is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.